
Dr Kuhan Padmanathan

MB ChB 2003 (Aberdeen, Scotland)

Dr Kuhan studied and graduated in Aberdeen, Scotland in 2003, and has built up a vast amount of experience in neurosurgery, ENT, general surgery and critical care. All areas of high interest to him along with the neural sciences.

As a GP, he’s particularly interested in minor surgical procedures, consulting on neurosurgery-specific patients, ENT, and minor trauma.

 He is bilingual in English and Malay, although he acknowledges that his Malay may sometimes be a bit rusty.

He married in January 2019 and enjoys getting outdoors for walks, cardio and swimming. Though an only child growing up, he’s inherited two sisters through his marriage and loves the fact that his entire family gets along wonderfully. Family is Dr Kuhan’s support system and is very important to him.